…And We’re Back


Josh and I just got back from two weeks in Portugal! It was an incredible trip full of amazing food, loads of booze, bright sun, walking up more hills and climbing more stairs than you could ever imagine, and drinking in the beauty of a country that used to rule a good part of the world. This was a trip we’d been dreaming of for years, so to see it finally come about (and be there for my 30th birthday, no less) was so awesome. I’ll be writing up a post soon of our favorite restaurants in the Lisbon area and Porto, but for now I’m going to enjoy the return to my kitchen and eat as many raw fruits and vegetables as I can, something I missed desperately while still enjoying copious amounts of seafood and pastries.

2 thoughts on “…And We’re Back

  1. We’re planning on going in January. Did you see any other cities? What was your favorite meal? Did you go to any clubs? Thanks!


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