Meal Plan: April 3-April 9

Every week we make a meal plan for the week ahead. The plan accounts for 5 breakfasts, 4 lunches (plus fruit or vegetables), 4 snacks, and 5 dinners each for the two of us. Lunches are typically a double batch of whatever the recipe calls for. We make the lunches and do other prep work on Sunday. Nearly all items are purchased from either our local farmers market or Whole Foods. We live in Cincinnati, OH.

Weekend mornings with Minerva
Weekend mornings with Minerva

April 3-April 9

We had a productive and fun filled weekend with friends, and this week looks like more of the same (hence the lack of dinner options. No point in food going to waste). The weather has become a little chilly again and we’ve had some insane wind. Saturday was so windy that the power went off for a good two hours at our friends’ party, but we lit candles and played games and made sure to drink all the beer before it went bad.

Spring can be tricky like that.

I have a feeling that next week’s meal plan will be a little on the lighter/healthier side,  so we’ll enjoy our gluttony while we can.




  • Chopped apple and pineapple


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