Meal Plan: June 15 – June 21

Every week we make a meal plan for the week ahead. The plan accounts for 5 breakfasts, 4 lunches, 4 snacks, and 5 dinners for the two of us. Lunch ideas are typically a double batch of whatever the recipe calls for. I make the lunches and do other various prep work on Sunday. Nearly all items are purchased from either our local farmers market or Whole Foods. We are currently living in New York City, so things are more expensive than average.

My view this weekend. Love living by a park
My view this weekend. Love living by a park

June 15-June 21

I bought lots of strawberries this weekend… that weren’t on the meal plan.


Also, new yeast recipe! Yay!

Total cost: $131 (+ $10 for strawberries, but we’re going to ignore that)

Average cost per meal per person, with snacks tucked into the mix: $4.68






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